
Our school uniform consists of a jade green sweatshirt or cardigan, white or navy polo shirt and grey or black skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts. Girls may prefer to wear green/white summer dresses in the warmer weather. 

Ideally, a jumper or cardigan with the school logo on is preferred however we appreciate that similar items without a logo may be preferred. Collared  t-shirts do not have to be purchased from our suppliers

Additionally, all children will require - 

  • A bag for carrying books to and from school - this will be provided as a welcome gift from the PTA
  • A PE kit bag 
  • Navy logo t-shirt, dark shorts and/or track suit bottoms/leggings and trainers for PE 

Each pupil has a hook or locker provided in the cloakroom area and this should be used to accommodate their PE bag and coat. Their PE bag should be kept in school from Monday to Friday, and each child must bring a pair of outdoor shoes to change into.

The wearing of jewellery is not permitted in school with the exception of watches and stud earrings.  These items MUST be removed for PE and games lessons. Stud earrings in newly pierced ears must be taped.  Children must provide their own tape for this purpose.  It is our general practice to ensure that pupils do not take part in PE in their school uniform. 

In negotiation with the PTA first time purchase of school fleeces is at a hugely discounted rate to ensure children stay warm during PE in the winter months.  Purchase of these is in September, via the school office.  

Additional fleeces can be ordered in the same way as other uniform items from Identity  

Trainers are sufficient for lessons involving ball skills on the hard courts and sports played on the field during the summer months.   Please note that ‘blade’ style studs on football boots are not permitted. 

Additionally, Reception to Year 6 take part in swimming lessons at a local swimming pool and need appropriate swimwear at some point in the year.

Please ensure that all clothing, footwear and swimwear is marked or labelled with your child’s name. 

Supplies of new uniform items both with and without the school logo can be obtained through:


The link to the page is:


You will need to register with them on their website. They will then send you a password which you will be able to use by going to our school on their website and enter to access/ purchase uniform.

 Limited second-hand uniform items are also available from the school PTA at a small cost.

Our School Uniform policy is available to view in the policy section.